The following are activities or programs supervised by Yayasan Daril Ulum

Background of the Registered Daril Ulum Foundation

Yayasan Daril Ulum was established in 2021 as an organization that pays attention to the development of Religious Education and tahfiz.

The target groups are poor students, orphans, students from low-income families and the general public.
Indirectly brings the desire of the government that wants to dignify education holistically.
Asset 1

Short Term Plan

Planning will be carried out in an organized manner involving all relevant parties

First year

Introducing the Daril Ulum Foundation through the Virtue Program


Second year

Collaborate with the authorities to carry out charity activities


Third year

Help people in need through available funds


Fourth Year

Helping the authorities implement the community awareness program


Fifth Year

Provide volunteers who are able to provide service to the community


Let's give charity

Abu Hurairah (RA) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said

“Alms do not reduce wealth at all. And the servant who forgives (others), Allah increases his honor, and the humble person, Allah raises his position."

Make a Donation

Make a sincere donation

Please help

Please help with us now

Let's see Activities, Programs
which is supervised by the Registered Daril Ulum Foundation

Daril Ulum Foundation Certification Certificate Registered

Organizational structure

The following is the organizational structure of the Daril Ulum Foundation

Daril Ulum Foundation
Lot 2911 Kampung Meranti
17010 Pasir Mas Kelantan
Office hours

Sunday – Thursday 9 AM – 6 PM

Get to Know Us

Yayasan Daril Ulum was established in 2021 as an organization that pays attention to the development of Religious Education and tahfiz. The target groups are poor students, orphans, students from low-income families and the general public.

Let's Donate

Let's Make a Donation
Scan the QR Code to make a donation directly to our account, With the QR Code it is easier for you to make a donation, Thank you

Daril Ulum Foundation © 2023. All Rights Reserved | Develop by Muhammad Syahir